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Childhood Vaccinations

ByMichael J. Smith, MD, MSCE, Duke University
Last full review/revision September 2018 by Michael J. Smith, MD, MSCE 
NOTE: This is the Consumer Version. DOCTORS: Click here for the Professional Version
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Children should be vaccinated to protect them against infectious diseases. Vaccines contain either noninfectious fragments of bacteria or viruses or whole forms of these organisms that have been weakened so that they do not cause disease. Giving a vaccine (usually by injection) stimulates the body's immune system to defend against that disease. Vaccination produces a state of immunity to disease and is thus sometimes termed immunization (see also Overview of Immunization).


Vaccine Effectiveness

Vaccines have eliminated smallpox and have nearly eliminated other infections, such as polio and measles, that were once common childhood scourges in the United States. Despite this success, it is important for health care practitioners to continue to vaccinate children. Many of the diseases prevented by vaccination are still present in the United States and remain common in other parts of the world. These diseases can spread rapidly among unvaccinated children, who, because of the ease of modern travel, can be exposed even if they live in areas where a disease is not common.

Vaccine Safety

No vaccine is 100% effective and 100% safe. A few vaccinated children do not become immune, and a few develop side effects. Most often, the side effects are minor, such as pain at the injection site, a rash, or a mild fever. Very rarely, there are more serious problems.

Vaccines are continuously undergoing improvements to ensure safety and effectiveness. Improvements include the use of

  • Acellular pertussis vaccine (typically combined with diphtheria and tetanus vaccine—DTaP), which has a much lower chance of having side effects than the previously used whole-cell pertussis vaccine (also combined with diphtheria, and tetanus—DPT)
  • An inactivated, injectable polio vaccine instead of the previously used oral polio vaccine
The oral polio vaccine, which is made of a live, weakened virus, can cause polio if the weakened virus mutates, which happens once in every 2.4 million children. Although this risk is extremely low, it has led doctors in the United States to completely switch to the injectable polio vaccine.

Before a vaccine can be licensed, it (like any medical product) is tested in controlled clinical trials. Such trials compare the new vaccine to a placebo or to a previously existing vaccine for the same disease. Such trials show whether the vaccine is effective and identify common side effects.

However, some side effects are too rare to be detected in any reasonably sized clinical trial and do not become apparent until after a vaccine is used routinely in many people. Thus, a surveillance system called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (see VAERS) was created to monitor the safety of vaccines that are used in the general public. VAERS collects reports from people who believe that they had a side effect after a recent vaccination and from health care practitioners who identify certain side effects after a vaccine was given, even if they are unsure the effects are related to the vaccine.

To help people evaluate the risks of vaccination, the federal government requires doctors to give parents a Vaccine Information Statement each time a child is vaccinated. Also, a federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has been established to compensate people with proven vaccine-related injuries. This program was established because doctors and health authorities want as many children as possible to be protected from life-threatening diseases. When considering the risks of vaccination, parents must remember that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks.

NOTE: This is the Consumer Version. DOCTORS: Click here for the Professional Version

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