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Ireland and the Convention on the Rights of the Child

The Convention on the Rights of the Child Review: What is it?

On ratifying the Convention, Governments agree to be assessed periodically on their progress in implementing the rights in the Convention. States submit regular progress reports and agree to an oral examination by members of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

State Report: Ireland submitted its combined third and fourth periodic Report to the Committee in September 2013.  This Report was reviewed by civil society in a consultation in January 2013 that was coordinated by the Children’s Rights Alliance. Ireland’s next review took place in 2016 when February the UN published its Concluding Observations from their review of Ireland's progress.

Parallel Report: To inform its work, the Committee accepts reports, known as ‘Parallel Reports’, from civil society groups. The Children’s Rights Alliance submits an independent report on behalf of its membership and civil society, together with a report created by children and young people. These reports provide supplementary independent material on what is happening on the ground for children and young people in Ireland. Read our 1997 Parallel Report, 2006 Parallel Report and 2006 Children’s Report, 2015 Report to the UN ‘Are We There Yet?’ and the 2015 Children’s Report ‘Picture Your Rights’.

Progress through partnership: In September 2016 Ireland held the first Child Summit, hosted by the Children's Rights Alliance in partnership with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. Two UN Special Rapporteurs speaking at the event and welcomed the model, commenting that it was the first of its kind and showed commitment from both the Government and civil society in working together to ensure progress for children.

Why is it Important?Alliance as Watchdog Cartoon

The UN Review is important as it creates a unique opportunity for dialogue between the UN, the Irish Government and civil society on children’s rights in Ireland. The review process has led to significant improvements for children and young people in Ireland.

Read the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 1998 Concluding observations and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 2006 Concluding Observations.

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Published date: 
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

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