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Pain is an unpleasant sensation signaling actual or possible injury.
Pain is the most common reason people visit their doctor.
Pain may be sharp or dull, intermittent or constant, or throbbing
or steady. Sometimes pain is very difficult to describe. Pain may be
felt at a single site or over a large area. The intensity of pain can
vary from mild to intolerable.
People differ remarkably in their ability to tolerate pain. One
person cannot tolerate the pain of a small cut or bruise, but another
person can tolerate pain caused by a major accident or knife wound with
little complaint. The ability to withstand pain varies according to
mood, personality, and circumstance. In a moment of excitement during an
athletic match, an athlete may not notice a severe bruise but is likely
to be very aware of the pain after the match, particularly if the team
Pain pathways
Pain due to injury begins at special pain receptors scattered
throughout the body. These pain receptors transmit signals as electrical
impulses along nerves to the spinal cord and then upward to the brain.
Sometimes the signal evokes a reflex response (see figure Reflex Arc: A No-Brainer).
When the signal reaches the spinal cord, a signal is immediately sent
back along motor nerves to the original site of the pain, triggering the
muscles to contract without involving the brain. For example, when
people inadvertently touch something very hot, they immediately pull
away. This reflex reaction helps prevent permanent damage. The pain
signal is also sent to the brain. Only when the brain processes the
signal and interprets it as pain do people become conscious of the pain.
Pain receptors and their nerve pathways differ in different parts
of the body. For this reason, pain sensation varies with the type and
location of injury. For example, pain receptors in the skin are
plentiful and capable of transmitting precise information, including
where an injury is located and whether the source was sharp, such as a
knife wound, or dull, such as pressure, heat, cold, or itching. In
contrast, pain receptors in internal organs, such as the intestine are
limited and imprecise. The intestine can be pinched, cut, or burned
without generating a pain signal. However, stretching and pressure can
cause severe intestinal pain, even from something as relatively harmless
as a trapped gas bubble. The brain cannot identify the precise source
of intestinal pain, which is difficult to locate and is likely to be
felt over a large area.
Reflex Arc: A No-Brainer
A reflex arc is the pathway that a nerve reflex, such as the knee jerk reflex, follows.
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Sometimes pain felt in one area of the body does not accurately represent where the problem is because the pain is referred there from another area. Pain can be referred because signals from several areas of the body often travel through the same nerve pathways in the spinal cord and brain. For example, pain from a heart attack may be felt in the neck, jaws, arms, or abdomen. Pain from a gallbladder attack may be felt in the back of the shoulder.
What Is Referred Pain?
Pain felt in one area of the body does not always represent where the problem is because the pain may be referred there from another area. For example, pain produced by a heart attack may feel as if it is coming from the arm because sensory information from the heart and the arm travel on the same nerve pathways in the spinal cord. ![]() |
Acute versus chronic pain
Pain may be acute or chronic. Acute pain begins suddenly and usually does not last long (days, weeks, or sometimes a few months). Chronic pain lasts for many months or years.
When severe, acute pain may cause anxiety, a rapid heart rate, an
increased breathing rate, elevated blood pressure, sweating, and
dilated pupils. Usually, chronic pain does not have these effects, but
it may result in other problems, such as depression, disturbed sleep,
decreased energy, a poor appetite, weight loss, decreased sex drive, and
loss of interest in activities.
Different types of pain have different causes.
Nociceptive pain
results from stimulation of pain receptors. It is caused by an injury
to body tissues. Most pain, particularly acute pain, is nociceptive
Neuropathic pain
results from damage to or dysfunction of the brain or spinal cord
(central nervous system) or the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord
(peripheral nervous system). It may occur when
Pressure is put on a specific nerve—for example, by a tumor or a ruptured disk in the spine, causing low back pain and/or pain radiating down the leg. Pressure on a nerve in the wrist can cause carpal tunnel syndrome.
The brain and spinal cord do not process pain signals normally or something disrupts this processing, as occurs in phantom limb pain, postherpetic neuralgia (pain after shingles), and complex regional pain syndrome.
Nociceptive or neuropathic pain or both may be involved in acute or chronic pain. For example, chronic low back pain and most cancer pain
are caused mainly by ongoing stimulation of pain receptors (nociceptive
pain). But in these disorders, pain can also result from nerve damage
(neuropathic pain).
Psychologic factors
can also contribute to pain. Psychologic factors often affect how
people feel pain and how intense it seems, but these factors are rarely
the only cause of pain.