To realize
ideals and achieve stated objectives, activities have been grouped into five clusters,
(i) Literature (ii) Art & Culture (iii) Science & Technology (iv) Games
& Sports and (v) Education & Social Welfare. Group-wise indicative activates are listed
Writing, reading and discussion about poems, stories and articles written by children;
presentation of writings for children; publication of wall-papers, journals and
periodicals; essay-writing; establishment and operation of children’s library.
& Culture: Training of children in the field of painting;
songs & music; dance & theatre; staging cultural function; staging
children’s theatre; observing birth anniversaries of national and cultural personalities;
observing special days; Arranging children’s workshop and competition in the
areas of painting, art & craft, recitation, debate & public speaking
& Technology: Conducting science workshop and demonstration; converting
simple scientific features into children’s games; competition of scientific
writing; children’s seminar & discussion meetings on science; developing
and operating simple computer programs for children; demonstration of
children’s scientific games etc.
& Sports: Physical exercise;
games, specially of Bangladesh
origin; competition of games & sports.