First Knee-pain attack was in 1985. Right knee-joint
swelled with redness. Remained bed-ridden for couple of months. Suppository
used regularly and pain-killer injection pushed occasionally. 5-6 months continued without significant improvement.
In 1986, Professor
Dr. Mahmudur Rahman of NIPSOM, prescribed Injection PANDURE LA (Long Actiing
Penicllin of Wythe laboratories) to be taken at
21 days interval for 6 months. Knee-pain
then totally disappeared and did not appear for 29 years till 2015.
Meanwhile occasionally suffered from back-pain which was
managed by using belt. No medicine was taken.
In 2015, sever neck-pain appeared and TRACTION was given
for 2 months. After that during early 2016, knee-pain reappeared in lesser
intensity and lesser swelling. Physiotherapy continues (short wave, ultrason
etc). knee pain moves from right knee to left and left to right knee.
Neck-Pain persists in moderate intensity. Pain descends on
both arms-shoulder joints. Numbness in both thumbs.